Friday, October 26, 2012

Kindergarten Fall Centers

Yesterday we had fun learning about fall in our Kindergarten classrooms.  Thank you to the parent helpers, we couldn't have done it without you!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Yesterday the students in both classes were able to go outside and tend to the JBD strawberry gardens.  Each class will be taking care of a strawberry plant, last year all of our hard work produced the best plant in the whole garden.  We were picking and eating strawberries for weeks! The students will revisit the garden in the spring on a weekly basis.  Our AM gardening mom is Mrs. Stephenson and our PM gardening moms are Mrs. Cheng and Mrs. Frey.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mystery Reader

Today we had a big brother birthday Mystery Reader, a grandmother Mystery Reader, and a daddy in disguise! We love having visitors come to our class and read us one of their favorite books.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Color Songs & Vowel Bat

To access the links click on the title to the song below. Your child will love practicing their vowels and color words at home.

Vowel Bat

Color Songs

Learning through song

We have been learning about color words and vowels for the past few weeks through songs.  The students are practicing spelling their color words as well as their vowel sounds.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Small Group Instruction

Our days go by very quickly as most of our time is spent in small group instruction where the students are working with Mrs. Fleeharty, independently, and with me. The students work on tasks that are differientated for their groups ability. Ask your child what they did in small group today!

Read to Self

Each class has been working hard to build their reading stamina during Read to Self time. Our AM class has build their stamina to 10 minutes and our PM class to 12 minutes. During Read to Self time students read from their book bags while remembering our Read to Self rules of sitting by yourself, staying in one spot, reading quietly, and reading the whole time. We have learned that "reading a book" means lots of things. You can read the pictures, read the words, or retell a story you know. I am proud of all the students hard work!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

How to treat a book...

This week we have begun the process of reading from our classroom library. First, we learned how to treat the books in our classroom. We also have a book hospital for those books that haven't been treated nicely. The students all did a wonderful job showing us that they would take care of our class books.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

We are off to a great start!

We have been busy learning our rules and routines. I have enjoyed getting to know all of the students in our classes.
I think the students favorite part of the day is snack where we listen to books read aloud to us on Tumblebooks. You can access Tumblebooks at home by going to the John B. Dey website, scrolling down to the Tumblebooks icon, then clicking the red story books icon and picking a book to read. Enjoy!

Friday, June 15, 2012

End of the Year Fun!

Our PM class is enjoying their last day of Kindergarten this year! We have moved all the furniture to the side and have the whole classroom to play in. Thank you to all of the students and parents for a wonderful year. Enjoy your summer!

End of the Year Fun!

Our AM class had such a great time competing in the activities that our amazing room mom, Mrs. Hester, planned for us. Mrs. Gray got us aprons donated from Home Depot so that we could all have our friends sign. Thanks to all the moms who came to help out!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Father's Day PM

Father's Day

Field Day Fun!

What a perfect day! We couldn't have asked for better weather for our field day fun. The students really enjoyed all of the station activities and being part of field day with "the big kids." Thank you to all the parent helpers, we couldn't do it without you.


The PM class was able to release our butterflies into the wild last week. It was a wonderful hands-on experience for the students to watch the life cycle happen right before their very eyes in class.

Friday, June 1, 2012


The first of our butterflies has hatched out of it's chrysalis. It happened while the PM class was at the computer lab. There are four more to go and I am sure they will hatch over the weekend. So, make sure to look at our butterfly house when you all come to school Monday morning.